Hallo Dolly

I had finished a new jumper for Great-Niece C.

I checked with my sister when she was next going to see her and she said "today". 

So I grabbed Tooli and we headed over to my sisters, loaded down with new jumper and lemon drizzle cakes for all. 

When We arrived, my sister was there with her eldest and his wife.  They were quickly followed by my brother in law, and then my next-nephew, the  daddy of Baby C along with C's Mamma

This along with 2 dogs was quite the crowd.  

Uncle J hadn't seen Tooli for several years, so he was happy to sit and chat with her, while I chatted with my first nephew and showed my second nephew and B the new Jumper.  
I'm sure it's going to be lovely.  when it fits

Then, a third nephew turned up with his wife and and son - they were on route to Newcastle for a plane for their holidays.   He hadn't seen Tooli in years so he was excited to see her and poor Tooli was having questions fired at her from all angles, everyone fascinated by her lovely accent, and politeness (unlike her mam) 

I was slowly sinking back into my seat; so many people and all the same flipping family... 

Then, believe it or not, a second niece arrived, with her husband and two doggies in tow. 

Oh my heavens.   There was still another niece to arrive ... with another dog and another partner. 

Goodness gracious.  That was a noisy and busy start to the day.   The dining table must be a massive fold-out. 

We headed off - and left them to their catch ups. 

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