Stoney Point

Up by 6:15 to get ready for the day. My mother’s appointment was rescheduled for 10:00 am so we had to leave home an hour earlier than usual. It was really nice out on her pier this morning. The pictured home is on “Stoney Point,” the primo piece of property on my grandfather’s farm. I was heartbroken when it was sold to a non-family individual. At least he built a beautiful home there and it is well maintained. They collapsed veins in my mother’s left leg today and checked her right leg to ensure last week’s procedure worked. My mother was quite uncomfortable. We stopped at the diner for lunch (see insert) and then took her home to rest. She has three more appointments. I needed a few travel approved containers, bought them, got gas in the SUV and drove into the garage at 3:40 pm. We won’t need a large dinner so we’ll finish leftovers. My son just sent me a video of Parker swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. He was excited to be swimming with fish and out of nowhere, a dolphin joined the group. Parker is loving life at the moment. Thanks for the visit. I watched a bit of news last night. Looks like Ukraine has lost more of its country to Russia and more of its citizens have perished. How long can this continue? Stay safe folks. “There's magic in the water that draws all men away from the land, that leads them over hills, down creeks and streams and rivers to the sea”. - Herman Melville

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