
By Grammy

Up, Up and Away

Sunny and very warm all day. Call me a procrastinator because it is true. My doc ordered a series of blood tests but I have to fast. It was on the calendar for today but guess I will go tomorrow because I woke up hungry. It is a walk in, no appointment necessary. Such a productive day. I completed the next phase on part of our craft project. And all pieces of the second project are now finished and ready to wrap for the recipients. Felt industrious so I scrubbed all floors on my daughter’s main level. They look so shiny and clean. Her family will be super appreciative of my efforts so it was a pleasure. Hubby took his kayak out at my sister’s, first time in three years. He is smartly taking advantage of me not being home with the perpetual honey do list. My daughter collects hot air balloons. This is one my sister found for her. It was hard to photograph without losing its beauty in the background “noise.” I took many shots inside and outside, some with sun, others in the shade. But the best result was hanging from the pole beside her home. It is quite small so I guess it is okay for tiny Tuesday. Thanks to our hostess. “Be the sunshine and lift everyone up like a hot air balloon!” -Unknown. Thanks for dropping by

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