
Svalbard Day 10 (back blip)

This is the ice filled water (Nordfjorden) in front of the Svea Glacier where we kayaked today. We were picked up and kitted out (dry suits for the eight people in the group) then we went out in a closed RIB to the glacier, in the drizzle. Once there, we transferred to a smaller dinghy and went ashore where our kayaks were already on the beach waiting for us. After the usual scouting the area for Polar Bears and preparing his gun, the guide took us out towards the glacier front. (We still had to have an armed guard even though we were on the water but after seeing the polar bear swim a few days ago, now I understand why) Everything was very calm and by now it had stopped raining and the sun was starting to shine through. Throughout the two and a half hours of paddling, we constantly heard the thunderous crack of the calving glacier but, despite it sounding very loud, we didn’t see any big pieces break off. However, we did see/ hear a huge iceberg flipping over and break into pieces which seemed far more dangerous than the calving glacier.

When we got back on board the RIB, lunch was served; hot soup in a thermos. Delicious. We arrived back at Longyearbyen and decided to go to the ponds near the husky kennels before returning to the hostel. Many of the Common Eider ducks were still sitting on their nests but ducklings were also pottering around. We watched for awhile and noticed that as soon as the ducklings could walk the mother teamed up with one to three other females and they had a small crèche that was easier to protect. At times they sat in a circle with their backs to the ducklings who were in the middle, keeping guard and looking out for the Glaucous Gull that was sitting nearby waiting to pounce. We also saw a few Barnacle Geese with some goslings. (See extras)

We walked by to the village and stopped off for coffee and cake at the Husky dog cafe where there are husky dogs for you to stroke whilst you eat and drink. We were tired this evening and it felt like a long way walking back to the hostel. An early night, after we’d cooked dinner, ready for another adventure tomorrow.

I’ve backblipped the last couple of days if you are interested. A huge thanks for all your hearts, stars and comments over the last 10 days. There just aren’t enough hours in the day at the moment to respond.

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