A Beautiful View

I'm a bird feather fanatic so I'm delighted when I can get a view of feathers from this perspective.  I think this osprey's wing is simply beautiful.

 I have a few blips to catch up on.  I've been taking pictures but just not posting them and I'm amazed at how fast one can fall behind.  

I haven't seen Buddy, aka The Handsome Neighbor, for a few weeks and I've been worried about him.  His family occupies two apartments in my building and I know he moved with one group about six months ago and is now a bit farther away from me but he still makes the rounds and always comes by for a treat.  I finally ran into his owner a couple days ago and was saddened to find out that Buddy is gravely ill and the outlook is not good.  I was surprised to learn that he's nearly 16 years old.  I'm very, very sad but I'm trying to remain optimistic.  As soon as I can, I'll check on how he's doing and report.  

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