A spot to swim

Our lake is still about 80% covered in ice, but this mallard found some open water in the corner to swim around in. A few buffleheads and a mallard pair have arrived to our lake in the last 24 hours. Being that there's not much open water for them, there has been much squabbling over the tiny territory. The mallards have claimed our dock and the protected nook behind it. Fun to watch... lots to clean up... (squirt, squirt).

It was a beautiful day, 50 something degrees (F) and barely a breeze. I even saw a butterfly. Seems early and I can't figure out what it would eat around here yet, but fun to see just the same. We started the annual cleaning of the garage. (How do we accumulate so much junk stuff?) I pruned the plants that I neglected in the fall and accomplished most, my favorite spring job, Pooh Patrol. All of you dog owners know what I'm talking about... Not sure how this ends up being my job every year... I think I've been duped. I still need to get the wooded area near the lake. I dread that spot, it's unlike a yard where you can see what you are after. Picture yourself in the woods, everything's brown before spring takes hold. Dried dead leaves cover the ground as you walk along crunching with every step. Now picture hidden dehydrated pooh bombs... everywhere... It's a nightmare. We walk the dogs all winter and clean up as we go, but this issue is inevitable with a dog and a long winter of deep snow.

I digress... back to the sunny day. It was great for the most part. Couldn't have asked for a better weather day! I got shots of many birds, but most of them were on the ground, in the dirt. They didn't do much for me once on the computer. I did get a shot of a cardinal! He was at a good distance and I had exposure compensation on (left over from yesterday...) bummer. But I included him here since it's such a rare sighting for me.

I sure hope this weather holds on this time. :)

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