
The Veterans Breakfast was a good meet-up if a little disorganised, the venue had scant information but coped well with almost thirty attending. On completion of the breakfast we all headed to Queen Mary’s Garden where RNA member Dave, a piper, played “Tumbledown”. The start of this tune was written on a ration pack box before the battle started and completed once the battle was over.
Playing it this morning signifies the end of this years Falklands Commemorations.

Having taken one of the Epic guys to the rugby club where he is parking overnight I headed off for a quick shop for tomorrows lunch and then walked Paddy back up to the rugby club to check the campers.

Next stop was Falmouth Gig Shed for a couple of beers before the showing of the film short of ‘Wood To Wave’ at the Falmouth Poly. In thirty minutes it tells the story of the building of Epic Energy and its journey to the 2022 World Championships in the Scilly’s.
Once cut down to ten minutes it will make a great promotional video and a good “this is where we are” message to all our sponsors and donors.
Those of us who attended adjourned to the Poly Bar where we put a good dent in their beer stocks.

Home via the rugby club for a nightcap and a kebab.

Long Day

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