
A little stiff and surprisingly not hungover a coffee and bacon sandwich sorted me out. I began the day where I left off yesterday evening, catching up on messages.
As I suspected might happen the gig row out for the Classics was cancelled yesterday, disappointed, people are going to trouble and expense to prepare for these events only for them to be continually cancelled with twenty-four hours to go.
So I got to spend all of Fathers Day with Sam and Josh, much more enjoyable. I had cards and coffee, messages from Sarah and Barry and generally relaxed.
Dinner was wraps at the garden table, lots of fun, lots of laughter.
Started my new book, “A Game Of Birds & Wolves” before all too quickly it was time for Joshua to head off up to Worthy Down. Sadder than usual, we probably will not get to see Tiana and Joshua until mid August.
He decided to give Paddy a cuddled before leaving, a smiling Josh a concerned Paddy. It didn’t get any better for Paddy, an hour after the photo was taken he was in the bath having a shower.

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