a new year!

By Thesalh70

Neon nights

Friday has arrived very soon. And a pleasant start it was too! Though, as id slept solid after horlicks, i felt hungover even without a drink!

First trip back into Nottingham after a busy busy week. Lots to catch up on, and a busy morning.

Lunch and off to marks for the dine in offer! Bargains purchased with mrs brooks.

Afternoon quick and flies by. Went for a drink after work with team buddies, only a soft drink for me.

Home, shower and change and then off out with trace and the girls for Mandy's birthday. A rather dodgy finding in the ladies in the Wellington! Say no more!

MiniBus then up to Ilkeston. Great night, g&t's and cocktails. Then a crafty chicken burger at greasy chicken place!

Minibus home and in by 1am. Pete sighs at me yet again....

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