a new year!

By Thesalh70

Sundown over this old town

Solid sleep, even with the wind outside whipping up a storm. alarm went off at 6.30am, and by 6.50am i was in front of laptop on my first cuppa.

good few hours sorting emails before back to back conference calls. then a spot of lunch before ploughing on with reports. Pete was a v good boy whilst i worked, and he lay outside on his bed enjoying the sunshine. off out at 3pm for a meeting up in Sheffield, and didn't really look forward to the high winds driving up the M1.

got there in good time, and meeting done by 5pm, rush hour in Sheffield. busy getting back out, a crawl along the A61. home by 6.30pm, a wedge of mums lasagne!

off for a wander out with Pete to see the sun set on a lovely day. cold out there tonight, hope it starts to warm up soon!

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