On The Road Again...and Again

With my pre-op appointment over, and with everything pretty much in order, I headed back up to the cottage for another few days of rest and relaxation. 

What a day....

The rains came and did not stop for the entire trip and when I reached Parry Sound, the deluge!!..sheets of water, no visibility, just pouring,  pouring rain...and I still  had a boat ride ahead of me...but at least I was just a passenger..

My daughter and son-in-law, who had just spent two whole days navigating their new boat through the Trent-Severn Waterway up to Parry Sound (June 5 blip), were there to meet me, and now with their smaller boat, were the ones who had to face the elements and try to navigate us through a wall of rain and fog to the cottage.... and thanks to them, we arrived safely ...but thoroughly drenched and cold.

But their day was not yet over. They still had to drive, in the rain,  the two fellows who had accompanied them on that boat cruise, back down south to their car  so they could return home... and then they had to drive back up and return to the cottage.. in the rain and fog......Whew! 

Meanwhile, I had a nap...during which the power went out!  Of course. 

And then tonight? The rain stopped and out of nowhere...a pink sunset!

Such is cottage life....

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