The Path Less Traveled...

Can you even find it? 

This is what welcomed me home from the cottage yesterday...a jungle! I could barely find my very tall planter smothered in those ferns..or the stone path leading up to the deck..yes, there are steps in there if you can get to them! A week away and that is what happens! Where to begin to bring some order back to the garden? Well, nowhere, at least for now... 

I arrived last night and leave again tomorrow last hurrah at the cottage before my surgery..I was only here to go to my pre-op appointment today..a quick turn time for gardening! 

It has been a hectic day time to think blips etc...hence the jungle pix as they were an easy catch right out the back door.. and not much of interest to write about either...the details of a pre-op? Not. The unpacking only to re-pack? Not. The running around gathering meds and filling prescriptions? Not. 

And who wants to hear about Maggie's nose being out of joint? Well, maybe there are some...perhaps some cat-people? They can probably relate to the disdain with which we are met after an absence...but, I am sure that one day when I am not looking, Maggie will whip off a blip to let everyone know how badly I treat no need for me to do that here....

Maybe tomorrow will be a better blip day..when there will be something interesting to write about...when I will not have to try to make something out of nothing! 

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