Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Golden Chains or Golden Rain

I was walking through Wilton Park this morning, wondering if I'd make it to the end before the rain came, when a sudden ray of sunshine lit the path. I looked up and into a blazing cover of gold - the biggest laburnum tree I've ever seen, in height and spread. It must be fifty feet tall and even wider, sprawling over the river in all directions. Clearly no-one planted it there, projecting out of the bank about fifteen feet below the path. It was utterly lovely. Half a minute later, the sun disappeared and I continued on my way. And I made it back to the Damascus Drum for coffee, cake and a browse before the deluge came.

I looked up laburnums  - sometimes known as golden chains, or golden rain. They used to be common trees in gardens, though I have the impression they aren't so popular now. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that all parts of them are poisonous.  I also  read that the wood was frequently used to make bagpipes. I guess you had to make the mouthpiece out of something else?

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