Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Duck(ling) Race

Singing with Kirsty this morning, only 12 there. It's getting near the end of the year ... It was Dan's birthday so we sang, unmuted - it was so bad it was hilarious, but he looked pleased.

In the afternoon we went to Kelso to get annuals for the pots and tubs around the house. Usually I'd grow these from seed, but it just didn't get done this year. Having seen how much they cost, I'll be putting a note in my diary for next year. 

Coffee and a cheese scone at Cafe U restored my  spirits, and we walked along by the Tweed. The river was busy with bird families. The swans have 8 cygnets. The whole family were out swimming in the middle of the river just above the Junction Pool. Father swan was circling and keeping the geese well away, they ended up, a dozen or so plus their many goslings, lining the river bank and honking angrily, but he just kept on patrolling. The mallards were on the other side, keeping well out of it. These two were zipping through the water, clearly having a race!

Most of the pots got planted up, I hope they will zoom off and make up for their late start. 

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