Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Flaming (almost) June!

I thought I'd warm you up with a picture of the Hayloft stove, which I lit this afternoon so I could work out there. I think it was about 9 degrees outside - and bucketing rain.  I got some more stitching done, though this time I was on a rather more straightforward machine, a 1946 Singer 201. Same age as me!

In between times, I was digging in the family history again, looking for photographs to send to my newly encountered 1st cousin once removed. 

Discovering his existence has been an interesting addition to my researches. But to his elderly aunt, finding out that her grandfather was not the man she remembers, but someone else entirely - that's quite something to get used to. And his family are curious to find out more about him.

I have quite a lot of material relating to him, since he worked abroad and sent stuff home - the extra is one of the many postcards he sent back to the children in Scotland. Whether he ever knew that he had a daughter in South Africa, I don't suppose we'll ever find out. 

The best news of the day - after 5 years without, once again there's an osprey chick in the nest at BornInTheBorders!

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