jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Bean's first preschool morning today and we were late as expected but this was because he decided at the last minute to fill his bubble pot for school with the money from his piggybank. Everything except the 2p coins (he gets given the odd bit of change up to 20p value coins to put in there) which didn't fit went in. He doesn't understand monetary value yet which is a lovely bit of childhood innocence to cherish while it lasts but it's still lovely to see his generosity at work. (He was a little bothered about not being able to bring his bubble pot home after school but I'm not sure whether it was bubbles or pennies that he wanted!)

Bear did not cope well without Bean. We managed breakfast, just, and then he grumbled and grouched and climbed up onto my knee and fell asleep nursing. He made a sleepy transition onto the bed and I was given an hour to potter. He even stayed asleep when I went to get him to wrap him up to fetch Bean.

Thankfully his long morning sleep meant he was on fine form all afternoon at our friend's house where Steve was doing some plastering.

A lovely afternoon just chilling out, watching the boys play, watching the Bear potter around investigating things, lying on the trampoline and watching the clouds in a blue blue sky.


Bean's 4 and a Half year old hormone-fuelled emotional ups and downs are pretty horrendous though. Learning to ride the storm, and somehow give him the tools he needs to be able to deal with all these big feelings....

He wasn't impressed at going home. But once we got home we went straight back out into the garden. Bean planted my fushia plant that was growing in the Easter Garden, and then got excited about planting out some beans - hopefully they won't get eaten (must put some crushed eggshell round) and we can watch them grow. And hopefully Bear won't dig them up. Bean impressed me though, I came back in to talk to Steve and he came running in saying "mama now we need to water them!" we don't do a massive amount of gardening so I'm impressed he remembered. And did a great job of watering them :)

Steve is suffering from a crazy headache and had to stop working this evening because it was stopping him moving :( so I have been trying to stop the boys from tormenting him. I don't think I'm doing a massively successful job of that....

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