jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Creation Station

Took both boys to Creation Station this morning by myself, to see if it was possible. Bean fell over on the way and refused to join in until he'd got a plaster on his knee. Bear chilled out so much in the wrap that he nearly fell asleep, and refused to join in on account of wanting to be asleep! He got re-wrapped and fell asleep before the end of the session and ended up going home sock and shoeless. Good job it was warm...

And good job I was going for more than just the session!! More news on that as and when...

Second walk of the day was to the grocery store. I don't enjoy taking them both out like this. Especially as Bean has decided he won't wear his bike helmet any more (it's too small at long last! We can get a new one!) so he has to walk. But we finally got sorted to go out and Bean sang the whole way there. A song about Batman. It went "Batman Batman Batman Batman, he's a superhero, he saves people". Quiet and loud and louder and VERY loud. It was brilliant!! And no drama on the walk either, very well behaved.

We also found some more out about feeding tadpoles thanks to Rainy Day Mum. Boil some shredded lettuce for about 5 minutes to start breaking down the cellular structure of the leaves, then freeze in icecube trays with a little rainwater (chlorinated tapwater is bad for tadpoles) so you can feed one cube at a time to them. They liked their lettuce!!

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