Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Going For Bust?

Maybe the Scottish National Portrait Gallery ran out of plinths? I like the way these have been arranged so they gaze back at visitors to the library.  Me today, you tomorrow ...

I had a much better day today. I got most of the errands done, and even managed to pick up a couple of articles of clothing in John Lewis. 

I had lunch at the Gallery and a little wander around the St James Centre.   I was all shopped out by then and my feet were sore. They aren't used to city pavements.

The evenings are quiet, there's no TV or WiFi in the flat, so I've been getting on with writing up my maternal Grandfather's history for his new-found Great-Grandson. It's taking me  longer than I thought it would, I seem to know more about him than I realised. 

In his short life (he died of TB, aged 46), he was a coal miner, a gold miner in South Africa,  a poultry farmer and a theatre (or cinema) manager - and there was also an attempt to start a gold mine in Scotland, which never got off the ground ... So quite a lot to explain to this man who didn't know he existed till a few weeks ago. The wonders of Ancestry, DNA and the Internet. I suspect my Grandfather never knew about the existence of his 8th child.

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