Peregrination, day 10
An unusually poor breakfast this morning, served by a charming young chap who had to explain how to use the coffee machine to every guest, the coffee was lukewarm and by the time you added milk almost cold. In retrospect it would have been a good day to have had a very early start and breakfast on the way.
It was good to catch up at coffee time in with Jorge from Catalonia and he told me about St George’s day where people lay out and roses and books in the street, and you take your pick, both if you want. Later in the day when I stopped for a cold drink and a boiled egg I picked up the only English book I’ve come across so far, a many read copy of Normal People. I left Maggie O’Farrells The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox somewhere in Navarre.
I arrived in Belorado which in the Castilla de León region mid afternoon plenty of time to eat a pilgrims late lunch. A bit of a trail to find my hostel which as ever turned up in such an obvious place but not looking like one, on the second floor of a apartment block.
I walked several kilometres with a couple from Los Angeles, one of them was undertaking some research, the usual why are doing this, what is surprising you, what have you learnt and what do you want to leave behind, sort of thing. I agreed to be a participant which provided another welcome rest break. The answers will come in handy when I get round to doing the article for JG when I’m home. The conversation did make me think about the difference between being a Pilgrim and being a Peregrinator. I am more comfortable with the latter, for sure.
The blip I’ve chosen is the bell tower of the Santa Maria church in Belorado built right up against impressive lime stone cliffs. There are three stork nests.
The extra is the still green and rolling terrain that has characterised the last few days.
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