Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Red peonies.

The Feast Day of St. Ethelbert of East Anglia and the Feast Day of St. Bernardino of Siena.
Today has been a mixture of cloudy and cool weather. It is 14c.
These superb red peonies are in a nearby garden.
I find difficulty deciding whether to water the garden plants sometimes, if there has only been a little rain as the window boxes with Star of Bethlehem tend to dry out and I don't want to kill any plants. There was
no sign of the garden snail today nor any others. I googled snails yesterday evening and discovered they were around several millions of years ago. The Starlings continued to feed. Some neighbouring pavements are continuing to be freshly renewed with a coating of tarmac.
I have not much else to share. Have a lovely Friday and a good weekend.
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