Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A snail munching the seedlings.

The Feast Day of St. Peter Celestine.
I was not well pleased to see this little snail munching through my little seedlings. I felt mortified, because the way the new green leaves were appearing, gradually and beautifully, it was encouraging and a joy.
I try to be as eco friendly as possibly. According to 5th dimensional ascended thinking,  see, we are guided to love everything and do no harm.  I am organic in my approach to small scale gardening and do not use pesticides. I believe like they do at Findhorn, that the Divine life force has intelligence and needs respecting. Somehow, we are to give and take with all the creatures and have areas of the garden for snails so all are catered for.
I get it, but I still feel the loss of my seedlings. It all ultimately belongs to God, so the idea of ownership of plants is something to be more understanding about. He controls everything and has a Divine Plan.
So with all this in my heart mind, I decided it best, in the context of my small, narrow, plant area, to just let the innocent snail continue eating. Picking it up and shifting it to a pile of different verdant leaves did enter my thoughts. That would have been dominating it, so I didn't move it.
I am not sure how to safeguard vulnerable plants and respect snails, to be honest ! However, it appeared where it did, probably as karma, for the time I unavoidably stood on a snail outside my door! It is a long time since I was faced with a snail test. God bless all God's amazing creation and I hope the entire new seedlings are not demolished.
Enjoy a good day blip friends. It is a temperature drop to 11c from 20c.

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