Change in Plans

Not long after I posted my blip last night, we received a text that put a new spin on our week. Long story short, Mancil tested positive for COVID only a few hours after Jerry took him to an appointment. According to our daily health department alerts, the strain that is here is extremely contagious and our numbers are on the rise. We decided to cancel our trip “just in case.” We both agreed things happen for a reason and unloaded the car and began unpacking. I’ll finish as I need what’s in the crates. The biggest downer about this is we had all the food the four of us were going to eat all week. Providing most of the meals is the least we can do to say thanks for all those “free” vacations we enjoy. We will also not be able to celebrate my sister’s birthday with her. I wanted to pretend I was in our car and read and nap all day. Instead, I got up, moved all my summer clothes downstairs and all the winter stuff upstairs. My arm muscles will get their revenge tomorrow. Then I worked outside, trimming several trees and weeding flower gardens. I came in after 7:00 pm having only taken a short lunch break. Hubby power washed 20 of the 30 sections of our vinyl fencing, a job he’s been dreading for over a year. It looks so nice. He had to repair a few posts from wear and tear. He weeded a bit when he needed a break from it. Kim stopped by to get the oxygen level monitor for Mancil; Mack came to get her birthday gift, some fresh garden lettuce and her mom’s tomato plants. Our SIL picked up an extra hosta plant I had for Kristen. I chatted with all my company and a few callers while I worked. Hubby kept his distance. The temps are going to be very high for the next few days so I had to make good use of our perfect weather day. Hubby grilled burgers after I made up the patties. I was too tired to prepare a big meal. My sister called from town; they were grocery shopping. Food prices there are insanely expensive, when you can find what you are looking for. Many items are out of stock. Crazy times. Gas went up $.24/gal yesterday. As hubby says, we saved a bundle staying home. Hope your troubles are as minor. Thanks for all the sweet notes about my Iris. Sounds like the soldiers In Mariupol surrendered. May God have mercy on them. Stay safe. “Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.” – David G. Allen

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