Bearded Iris

Our first task of the day was to finish unloading the camper. Hubby will return it to my mother’s tomorrow. I grabbed a few shots of my bearded Iris. They are planted in several gardens to add a splash of color to the property. We dropped my van at the Toyota dealer to have the brakes checked/repaired/replaced. They resurfaced the front discs, etc. better results than I expected. I get it back tomorrow. We shopped for groceries to take to WV. Spent the rest of the day putting away camping items and packing for the next adventure. We are expecting a strong storm at any minute. We’ll see if it materializes. Pizza for dinner. Thanks for dropping by. Guess I will watch the news. More deranged people causing havoc in the US. Innocent lives lost. Stay safe folks. Why can’t humans spend their lives spreading love instead of hate? “In one single flower, we can see the complete beauty of life. We only have to keep our hearts open.” -Alf Ertelt

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