By lizzie_birkett

Boys Fishing

I slept in till after 9 this morning! Bella must have been crossing her legs so after a quick breakfast I took her down back lane where she said hello to a young bull at the wall.
The little boys who live across the back from us were just climbing over a gate into the field with fishing nets and a bucket. On our way back they were peering in at their catch so I asked if I could see and take a photo.
They had loads of tadpoles and a few tiddlers - extra. They said they would put them back in the beck once they’d finished. 
They are really lovely kids and they love Bella and she loves them.

Tadpoles and Tiddlers

When I was just a child
it was quite common to see
children with fishing nets
or climbing up in the trees

on their little adventures
in the sun and the fresh air
with soaking, muddy feet,
but without a worry or care

I had a touch of nostalgia
when I saw these little boys
running wild across the field
whooping with springtime joy

they headed down to the beck
with nets over their shoulders
one was swinging a bucket 
they hopped over the boulders

I asked to look in the bucket
To see what they had found
And saw tiddlers and tadpoles
swimming round and round

I asked what they would do with them
and to my delight they replied
we’ll tip them all back in the beck
we don’t want them to die.

I love how in this modern world
of Google and computer games
that kids don’t forget how to play
that some things have stayed the same.


Bella was so excited when Frank arrived home this afternoon, she nearly wagged her bum off and after a week of her trying to drag me into the pub whenever we walked past she finally went there today and I accompanied them too. We had beer at an outside table and Bella had doggie treats.
We chatted about our week apart, Frank telling me how the kids and grandkids are and me telling him about my escapades and showing him my bruises - very impressive they are too! He is also very impressed with my decorating and said I made a really good job of it. :-)

We had the vegan Indian meal that I had delivered yesterday. It was so delicious we will definitely order from him again.

Well, it’s book and bedtime now.
Goodnight :-) X

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