By lizzie_birkett

A Nice, Clean Bella!

I forgot to Blip today so you have Bella May drying off after her shower.
She was a bit mucky and whiffy - I love it when she’s freshly ‘laundered’!
She does too though she tries to hide when we say the word - shower!
I finished the curtains this morning apart from the hems which I will do once I’ve painted the living room. I start that tomorrow as soon as Frank has left for Ireland.
It’s been so cold again today and now it is is raining but I think the garden needs it.
Had an hour long chat with Sue. She bought a 2nd hand wheelchair and has been out with Phil - my nephew pushing her. It will do her the world of good to get fresh air and see things other than her own four walls.
They are still no nearer to clearing the house of all her deceased hubby’s hoarded stuff.

I was listening to a lady talking about living on the breadline. It’s so awful when we are one of the richest nations. The government are so far removed from the people on the street and they really don’t care. It makes me so mad.

A Hole in my Soul

It’s easy for you to say
look around you and be grateful
for the grass beneath you
the blue sky above you
the flowers and the trees
the big yellow sun in the sky
when I can’t afford fresh veg
or a punnet of strawberries 
or even an apple to give my kids
no such luxuries for them
I can’t keep them warm
the electric has run out
I don’t have a fiver for the card
The last thing on our minds
is to to look at a green shiny beetle
or a bee on a dandelion
or tell jokes and have a giggle
they can’t do their homework
‘cos they can’t charge the tablet
do you know how it feels 
to sneak in the food bank
hoping you won’t be seen by friends
then not go in when you do see one
as for them down there the politicians
they should walk in my shoes for a week
talk about down at heel 
there’s a hole in the sole too
and an even bigger hole in my soul

Goodnight friends ;-) X

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