By lizzie_birkett


We got photos sent through the ether from County Antrim of Arón’s first communion. It was a big celebration for them as Siobhan’s family are very religious. They had a great day by all accounts.

Meanwhile celebrated over here too as Frank’s sister Eileen and hubby Dave had their Golden Wedding Anniversary. We all went out for a lovely lunch at quite a posh place called Ferrari’s near Longridge and the (still) happy couple paid for everyone. It was lovely to see family we hadn’t seen for ages, especially Frank’s two great nephews - Omar 13 and Ali 10 who are two lovely, bright and entertaining boys. Their Mum is Frank’s neice. I forgot to Blip them! We also met Frank’s nephew’s girl friend for the first time and we got on really well as have similar views and interests…Dogs!

I am still making the curtains but they are taking a while due to all the interruptions eg going places, eating, having naps! They’ll be done tomorrow but I won’t hang them till I’ve painted the living room.
In between I sowed the carrot seeds, cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry. 

It is now way past my bed time!
Goodnight Blippers :-)X

               Celebrate Life

         the milestones of life
with words and photos and song
        make some memories
                 to treasure

PS - Thinking of Blipper Amanda who lost her Mum yesterday. :-(

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