By lizzie_birkett

A Good Old Clearout!

The day started with torrential rain. Poor Frank and Bella May got drenched - I couldn’t go as I left my wellies on the boat ;-[]
I wasn’t really sure what to do with myself. I had woken up with a mild migraine and after breakfast took a Zomig and gave it time to work while browsing on Blip. 
Then I thought It would be a good day to tackle my wardrobe.
One of those jobs you start but quickly wish you hadn’t! Anyway, I got stuck in, tried a few things on and tossed a load of things onto the get rid pile - isn’t it weird how things shrink...;-D))
Most things will go to the charity shop and some I may on FB Marketplace. 
I cleaned the actual wardrobe inside and out and on top. Where does all the dust come from asked Frank when I told him about it.
Well, I told him - from shaking the duvet each morning, taking clothes off at night, putting clothes on in the morning, etc etc.
It’s a great feeling to have a good old clear out. I usually do it once a year.
This time I was ruthless. If I haven’t worn something for 2 years it has to go. 
Now I have to find out which charity shops are accepting clothes donations.

Late afternoon the rain stopped so we took Bella walkies and she was happy that it wasn’t raining.

From the photo on this Blip I started doing a sketch and I just need to colour it in. 

Now it’s time for The Crown and knitting. I’ve done the front and nearly finished the back but still need to do the sleeves. I started it last Autumn!

Hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts. :-) X

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