Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Tuesday — What Time is It?

Our kitchen wall clock decided to quit working. A new battery did not help at all. We really thought we had an extra clock somewhere, but we don’t know where.

After dinner last night Mr. Fun mentioned again that we need a new one; it is bugging him that he walks into the kitchen and looks at a bare wall. I personally hadn’t noticed because I pull my phone out of my pocket if I want to check the time.

So when I headed out to grocery shop today, my first stop was the Target store where I found everything but what I wanted. The one I wanted was sitting on the shelf broken; it’s hands were no longer attached to the clock, like someone had shook it till the hands fell off.

So I headed next door to the Staples store thinking I could find a plain simple wall clock for about $10.00. I must be existing in the dark ages in my mind. I guess $10 is no longer a price tag for just about anything.

I gave-up my hunt for a kitchen clock to get to the main event, the grocery shopping. When I was a young bride I loved to grocery shop. I think it made me feel grown-up. Now days it is not an event that tickles my fancy. It is one more job that I didn’t get to leave behind when I retired. I know, I know, I could have “Insta-cart” do my shopping for me. No thanks.

So the groceries have been bought and put away. Now I can do my other job, prepare meals. Every now and then I get in the mood to do that.

What time is it?

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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