Adele's Cheerio

A calm but cloudy and chilly morning, with a sunny and warm afternoon, and a fairly sunny evening. 

Another day off, and up early.  After puttering about the house, me and Sammy headed out walkies.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Headed down to Laura's in the afternoon, and we've been beach combing for interesting garden finds for Laura's garden.  Meeting friends for a quiet night tonight.  Early night, early shift tomorrow.

Friend and neighbour, Adele (Barclay), is leaving the village, and heading back to her home turf in Levenwick.  We've met up for a few drams and good fun to say our cheerios, although I'm sure we'll see other other soon enough.  Adele will be a miss in the village, after 23 years living here, and will miss our chats, cuppas and yarns in the shop.  The move has gone well, and wish her well moving back home.  L-R - Fiona, peerie Brian, Adele and Liz.  Taken in the KB, Main Street, Scalloway.  

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