By lizzie_birkett

Surprise, Surprise!

Frank was on top of the boat fixing the skylights and I was cleaning inside when we heard a voice from across the canal, ‘Hiya Frank!’ 
We could hardly believe it when we saw our friend Pat from Morrinton in Scotland where we used to live. She was was with two other ladies who we didn’t know, anyway we told them to come over for a cuppa. Pat was on a short break in Skipton with her sisters. It was so lovely to see Pat - though I didn’t get much chance to talk to her as her sisters took over the conversation! Hopefully we’ll see them tomorrow when we take the boat into Skipton and maybe have a drink together somewhere.
Frank took a photo of us but I can’t find it (I bet he didn’t click it!)

After they left I finished cleaning and dealt with some on line stuff with the N. Yorks council.

Then I took Bella for a walk along the canal. My poem will tell you all about it.

A Walk along the Canal

I walked by the mosque today
and heard the call to prayer,
shoes all lined up at the door
then chanting filled the air.
I sat on a wall on the tow path 
and listened for a while,
a mother duck and ducklings 
paddled by and made me smile.
By the tall chimney that towers
above the long silenced mill,
I chatted to a man and his boy
a toddler whose name was Jamil.
Then I heard the church bells
ringing out at six o’clock
I turned and wandered home
thinking and taking stock,
of all these things around me
nature and people and history, 
wildlife that touches our hearts
other races, religions and mystery
My eye was drawn across the canal
and there beneath the bushes
A swan sat perched upon her nest
Almost hidden among the rushes.
When I arrived back on the boat
The sky was just turning red
and as the sun went down,
a flock of geese flew overhead.

Thank you for your lovely, supportive comments about yesterday’s upset. I’m over it today and happy that those people have been ousted from the refugee group. 

Goodnight :-) X

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