No Mask Monday

Hazy sunshine to start the day, and a lot of wind.  Down the south end was overcast and mist in places.  Rained over lunch.  A beautiful sunny evening, but misty and overcast on the east. It went flat calm for a while, but a breeze had returned. 

A morning around the house, and then a late shift in the airport.  I was working with oil and gas flights this morning, then meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  A good day, all flights in and out on time.  Walkies with Sammy, and now feet up. 

Hurrah, after almost two years of wearing masks in public places, we can finally take them off in Scotland.  I'll still carry it around for a while, just in case I feel uncomfortable in a situation, but today I was happy to nip into shops and around work without it.  It did feel a tad odd at first, as it's nearly been a year since I started in the airport, and it's been part of daily life about the building.  Oil and gas workers were still having to wear their's, and a lot of passengers still wearing them for travelling.  I'd imagine we'll still see them about for a long time coming.  Me enjoying a quiet spell in the main arrivals terminal, Sumburgh Airport.  

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