
The raid on St Nazaire in 1942, eighty years ago is dubbed "The Greatest Raid" and today Falmouth remembered. 
We started at 9:00am in the cemetery where the graves of two of the Raiders are located, most people come to see the grave of AB William, (Bill), Savage VC but not far from him lies Mechanic Tom Parker RN and across the road in the 'new' section of the cemetery is a memorial to another Raider, Johnny Johnson who survived the raid and the war and lived out his life in Falmouth. We had a larger gathering than normal but it was good to see descendants of the men attending.

A cup of coffee later and we met on The Moor in Falmouth where a good sized crowd gathered, Civic dignitaries, serving Armed Forces personnel and Veterans, afloat was the Epic Energy, Epic Gigability's gig crewed by Armed Forces Veterans.

The sun shone, spectators clapped and the parade, led by the HMS Seahawk Band and Association Standards made its way to the Prince of Wales pier for a moving service. Two minutes silence, tributes and wreaths laid, prayers and the National Anthem to finish before the parade made its way back to The Moor before dispersing. A reception provided by the Town Council in the Atherton Suite gave the participants the opportunity to catch up with each other.

I adjourned to the Seven Stars for a couple of pints with friend and ex Mayor Mike V and wife Anne before walking up the hill home. Changed and roast dinner cooked, the veg was all prepared yesterday, followed by a relaxing evening with Mrs S watching Liam Neeson perform some gratuitous violence in an underwhelming film.

Main Photograph - The grave of AB William Savage VC
Extras; The tributes around the base of the memorial, the crowd gathered for the service, members of Falmouth Royal Naval Association gathered after the parade and the Epic Energy crew offer a 'Six Oar Salute' during the two minutes silence.

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