Told Off

Those that follow my Blip will know that I have a problem with books, I impulse buy.
Friday Sam and I went to the talk at Falmouth Poly where the entrance price included a signed hard back copy of the book, one each. During the talk he referenced a book called “The Reason Why”, the story of the Charge of the Light Brigade so I thought, “that sounds good”, I then found it was out of print however I managed to get a copy which will hopefully be delivered on a day Mrs S is working. It’s not that she has a problem with me buying the books, it’s storing them, as I sit writing this the coffee table in front of me has six books waiting for me and one already started.
This is in addition to the ones on my e-reader.

Monday morning, I had great hopes for a quieter week, if today is anything to go by it’s not to be. The phone started the day followed by the Monday onslaught of e-mails. Early afternoon was the Falmouth Jubilee meeting in the council chambers, it’s all coming together and the RNA has secured its ‘Rum Cream Tea’ afternoon.

Todays photo; the White Ensign flying from Falmouth’s Municipal Building part of the St Nazaire week.

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