Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

They made our day!

Today was the official recce for the Singing Walk. Jan, Kay and I are the Team for the day. Our teams always walk the route and discuss how to manage the walk (and the walkers).

Our route was uphill from Haltwhistle beside the Burn and on to Cawfields Quarry on Hadrian's Wall Trail. The Burn is pretty at any time of year. At Cawfields we found a few human families and lots of amphibians making more families of their own. See extra. (Frogs or toads? I thought there were two, then saw there were three. I thought they were frogs then wondered if they were toads!) Those in the water at the Quarry looked a lot happier than this trio a dried up path.

We had a great day out and have a plan for how our team will function on the day.

On the way back down by the Burn, we met these two Haltwhistle ladies. I saw them yesterday, when the little terriers made a lot of noise because Buster was with us. Today they were enjoying the sun. The conversation was hilarious. Haltwhistle is a poor town on the Government's index of social deprivation, but there is a strong spirit amongst locals.

I asked the woman on the left about her leg warmers. She laughed and put her hand into one, bringing out a packet of fags. "I'm a smoker, you see." Then she said, "I've got heart trouble" and pulled her angina spray out of the other leg. Just brilliant. I hope to meet them again.

Back at home, the other Marjorie was already here. We had a lovely afternoon, including a Handel sonata from her and piano duets for the two of us.

The day seemed to extend gently.

I'm a bit tired..........

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