The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Made for me...

On a jacket sleeve in TK Max. If I wore it I really would be wearing my heart on my sleeve!

Will be back later to update you on today's news...need to go and walk the hounds!x

usual start. Walk, food, gym session, home to wash the car and shower. Second breakfast and read The Times. Collected your dry cleaning and then took Pip to training. She liked the spaniels but was a bit lost and very nervous. She wouldn't retrieve at all but did all the heel and whistle work perfectly. Little sweetie. We'll go back next weekend but if she isn't happy then I think we won't bother. It was the first time she and Lottie have been apart and at Philip's farm so she did pretty well really.

Home to FT you and walk the hounds. Dinner, crap tv. Late bedtime. 10.15pm! I might treat myself to a 6am lie in!! ;0)

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