The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Woman on a mission...

Make way for the ball...come on Mum, kick it!

I kept the electric blanket on all night as the fire hasn't been on for three days. Boy, did I sleep soundly! Woke at 5am and felt fabulous. Walk, eat, drove to gym, weights session, showered and headed in to town.

Had a 'wrap' can only be described as being squished up in hot, muddy bandages, popped in a silver mahussive suit, under a space blanket and it a roast toasty room. I slept for an hour like a complete bairn! Twas lovely! Then got unwrapped, told not to wash it off for 24 hours (eek!) and sent on my way.

Met Deb for coffee, raced to Waitrose to do the food shop and went to work. A few meetings, a lot of phone calls and some paperwork. Home for five, walked and fed the troops and then pottered about prepping food, doing washing, cleaning and chores. Kicked the ball for Pip for a while until it smacked her in the chops. She retreated to her bed and the game was over. She and I are going to a group training session with a bunch of spaniels tomorrow...god help us! I'm more worried about leaving Lottie and Rags home alone!

Just making granola and waiting to FT you...not tired like I normally am, all this blinking sleep I've been getting! ;0) x

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