Crazy Saturday

3years 174days

Today has been BUSY!!! I thought yesterday "ohhh a weekend with no plans, quiet, fabulous".... And date Saturday laughed in my face! Fun, but very busy.

For me, highlight of the day was watching Katie at her swimming lesson. She was fabulous. Her new teacher is so good for her. She did one length with a float board and after that he had her swimming on her own. And alongside everyone else when it was their turn too. She swam a length on her back totally unaided for the first time and looked sooooo proud of herself! Each time the grin got bigger and bigger.

The swimming lesson today was a tester- to see if we physically could manage that and then make the train to ballet. We were poolside to train platform in 14 minutes, Katie showered and in ballet uniform! She had fun at ballet but she realised half way through that we hadnt brought monkey with us. She then cried quite a lot. But did go back to having fun.

After ballet we walked into the city and to the shop on a hunt for a spring weight and colour coat. She came away with two gorgeous dresses, a pretty top and leggings but no coat! I was impressed with tk maxx- we found several of our favourite dress brands for about a quarter of the price, hurrah!! While we were in town we saw two of the local lifeboats on display and the jet ski. Katie was so excited from the shop window. Then refused point blank to go on. They gave her two balloons. They lasted ten minutes before she let go of them in the station!

During ballet we had discovered that she had a party today that I didn't know about. So we did a quick present and card dash, went for a babyccino and a few bits of shopping (she wanted a new milk cup as she still really loves her sleepy time milk!) before we went home for a quick pit stop before the party.

It took her quite a while to settle into playing at the party. It took mummy going round with her and several friends in fact. We went down the slide in a train about 4 times!

So in short, with all the walking the meitai is very truly broken in and Mummy is very ready for a sit down but Katie is very happy with the day. Apart from being sad that she missed monkey, as she keeps reminding me!

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