Instrument (of torture!)

Dictionary project- Day 13 Diabolical

1. excrutiatingly bad
2. (intensifier) e.g. a diabolical liberty

from Greek - diabolikos - from Diabolos (Latin - Diabolus)

Well, I wasn't going to dress up like the devil, although that might have been interesting?!?!?

This took some thinking about...and ultimately, I crawled to the back of the attic and retrieved my violin (or Vile-din as it used to be affectionately called by my Dad!). Why? Because, when its played badly, the noise is truly diabolical. I apologise now Dad for the few years that I tortured you - although I musn't have been too bad to have passed my first 3 grades...maybe, one day, I will have a sound proof room that I can practice in and I can get back up to speed.

Maybe not.

alternative views and treatments

Helluva day - no problems with blood pressure after finding myself in the middle of a potentially dangerous situation this afternoon between two senior students, one of whom was absolutely intent on causing a fight - and I was in between them. Sorted - fight or flight kicked in in my head, and fight won over, metaphorically speaking - stood my ground and asserted myself - and somehow managed to get the kid into the building and dispersed the huge crowd that had gathered braying for blood. I hasten to add, that this is unusual behaviour for our kids - they are not an angry mob usually.

Am so tired, and have sore throat and runny nose. If I snore at night does that mean I have swine flu?

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