
Before I begin - my mind is blown by the number of views and comments I received yesterday - truly I am overwhelmed - I have managed to comment back to so few people so far, but please don't think I am being rude or ungrateful - it will just take me a few days to work through you all, so to speak! But - are all fab.

Dictionary project - Day 12 Shelter

Shelter - Noun
1. something that provides cover or protection, as from weather or danger
2. the protection afforded by such a cover
3. the state of being sheltered
4. to take cover, as from rain
5. to act as a shelter for
6. to provide with or protect by a shelter

I closed my eyes...I could have got Shell suit, shelve, shelves, shemozzle, shenanigan. sherbert (just a few that were on the page) - I get shelter. In order to make it realistic (and not be lazy and just take a photo of an umbrella or my house) Corin took me out to Tesco! Actually, we went to NW Face which is the climbing wall where we met many moons ago, to drop off a wedding invite to friends who own the place - its because of them that we they are guests on honour (or rather on the invitation it said "Its all your fault - so you're the guests of honour!").

Then we went and got some shopping, then parked up in the car park whilst I did my camera nerd impression (and Corin sat in the car and kept warm). And a brief 'girly' comedy moment occurred when I skipped over the exact car parking spot that has the honour of being the place of our first kiss, and told him that. His expression was priceless - I think partly because of the completely girlie skipping, but also because I remember stuff like that!

Such a busy day at work. "Are we going to close because of the swine flu Miss?" "No, shut up and get on with your work" "No, but miss, really, will we?" "Well, if we do at least I'll get some peace and quiet!"

Time for sleep

The others from tonight

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