Longing for a holiday?

Yeah - so am I.

So when I decided that I wasn't going to do any work tonight and that I was going to paint instead, something in my subconscious must have been trying to tell me something.

Now I need to go and scrub myself as I am covered in acrylic paint and chalk dust. It's funny to look at but I'll end up putting blue handprints all over the place and my beloved will NOT be happy about that.

Just a thought - anyone had that moment when they hear what they sound like for the first time and then the thought crosses your mind "Oh my God...I never knew" ...self conscious...that's been me today, after watching my own lesson on video from yesterday. Hasn't shut me up though! Teehee. It's kind of been like Groundhog day - particularly when I kept scooting the footage back to watch the strange phenomon that was my arm seeming to disappear INTO the electronic whiteboard as I pointed at something. Quite freaky. I clearly have aspirations to be a weather girl, I talk with my hands, I appear to be a bit of a whirling dervish, and I now completely understand why a much respected colleague previously told me that I was "mumsy" with the kids.

Am very much looking forward to showing a couple of segments to a couple of students who just let themselves down a little at the end of the lesson - nothing big time, just some weird Mr Bean style dancing and a bit of "boys will be boys" silliness.

Almost the weekend...bring it on!

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