pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

courage, my love, it makes me bolder

There are so many places I've been to which carry the same feeling or message as the one you get when walking around the Peace Park in Hiroshima. That is, how grotesque the destruction of human lives is. Despite that, I couldn't contain the tears and it made me think of how massive and important the connection between human beings is. We may all be individuals but really, we're all the same and you know when something is just plain evil.

The display of the tens of thousands of paper cranes was really heart-warming though. Looking forward to showing my class a couple of paper cranes and telling them the story behind them.

Was thinking today how different my life would be if I'd never travelled or left Gran Canaria. Travelling is so amazing cos it makes you think so much. You question your life, your community, your values, your relationships...I sometimes wonder whether I'd be happier with a life of conformity. But then again I don't think I would. I wouldn't swap the experiences I've had for anything.

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