pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

this is the spot where i jump off

Arrived in Kanazawa today mid afternoon and instantly noticed the lack of masses of tourists. Headed to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, which was a bit disappointing as most of the exhibitions were being set up so most of the museum was closed. Still, they had some outdoor installations I liked - especially this one called 'Colour activity house' by Olafur Elliasson. It comprises of 3 sheets of glass in different colours which form scenes in different colours depending on where you're looking at them from. Later on, had a stroll around Kenrokuen Gardens, which was really pretty.
In the evening, I met up with Maeda San, Chris' old workmate when he used to live here. He was such a lovely man! Went to visit the school where he works, which was really interesting and then went out for dinner. He even helped me book my ticket for the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo, which I'm excited about :)

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