Amphibian Life

To Foulshaw Moss this morning. As we walked along J wondered whether frogs and toads would be found in the brackish pools. That question was soon answered - the edges of the pools were smothered in frogspawn and toad spawn. I have never seen it in this quantity, the pools will soon be alive with tadpoles.

No sign of a frog or toad though. Then later J heard a croak or two. And deep in the reedbed she spotted it’s source, a frog.

By contrast in the afternoon a circular walk taking through Eaves Wood to the nearby Arnside Tower. The latter is a ruined late 14th/ early 15th century four storey Pele tower. Time has not treated it kindly, although it’s certainly picturesque in its location (extra). The extra image includes three people, to give a sense of scale.,

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