By lizzie_birkett

Spring! I think!

The main collage shows the sky last evening all taken within a minute or two of each other. No filter, just as it was. I was sitting reading when the living room was flooded with golden light.
The extra collage was from our garden and a walk round the block, I love the collection of flower tubs in a garden round the corner. Bella always has a special interest in the daffs and sticks her nose into each clump - I assume a boy doggy has wee’d on them! 
It really did feel like Spring today - the first time I haven’t worn thermals this year :-D

Tomorrow we’re (hopefully) heading up to Airdrie to look after the girls.
I say hopefully because wee Lucy had to be collected from school this morning as she wasn’t feeling well and had a temperature. They’ve done a LFT at lunchtime and another tonight but they were negative. She said she’s sore all over. They’ll do another test early tomorrow morning and if it’s negative we’ll go up as planned.

Sabrina is doing a course this week that she has paid a lot of money for and she can’t miss it. Worst case scenario is John would have to take time off.
I felt good today so I cleaned the living room and did some washing but that’s all. I’m not doing a lot of housework just now, I’m taking things easy!

Is it Spring?

Did the sun set on winter last night?
Dare I hope that Spring came today?
I watched a ladybird wake from slumber,
Saw yellow daffodil trumpets sway.

I heard the buzz of a bumble bee
Seeking pollen in the first flowers,
Smelled raindrops on the paving
During a fleeting sun shower.

Could it be that we’ve seen the last
Of those wet and dreary weeks?
And soon we’ll hear the sound of chicks,
squawking for their parent’s beaks.

We're watching an interesting documentary- ‘Putin - A Russian Spy Story’
grim but very enlightening.

Goodnight Blip friends :-)X

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