
By KathyH58

Mar 8

A windy day with temperatures in the low single digits. Normal for this time of year.
My first stop was at Morash Park for a photo shoot with Manny, the mandarin duck. You can see the size difference with the mallard behind him. The Northern pintail male must be starting a harem, he had 2 females with him today.
Next stop was Sullivan's Pond, and a variety of ducks there today. The usual mallards and black ducks were there along with American wigeons, ring necked ducks and common mergansers.
Then out to Eastern Passage, saw some common eiders, but it was too windy to get any good photos of them. I would just get them in focus when a gust of wind would hit me, or the waves would almost submerge them.
Home for lunch and a quiet afternoon. I worked on one of the assignments for AYWMC2 and started another jigsaw puzzle.

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