Mar 7
A cloudy but mild day today, the temperature was +6 C when I got up and it was +8 this afternoon. Rain in the forecast for tonight.
Despite the price of gas, which has jumped 19 cents a liter since Friday and is predicted to increase another 10 cents tonight, I went to the valley today for a drive. I was hoping for some bird activity, but other than 3 cardinals and a few chickadees at Miners Marsh and the occasional eagle overhead, there were not many birds around.
After I stopped at one of my favorite bakeries to get a sandwich for lunch, I started driving some of the back roads. Maybe this horse was telling his pasture mate a joke, lol, but I caught him in mid snort.
It was a good day to be out. Now I have to convince myself to limit my roaming to once a week. Otherwise gas for my Kia Soul will cost me around $100/week.
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