Blackford Pond & Reminiscing

My human has just looked at the 'memories' that have popped up on 'Facebook' from a year ago. A year ago, we were in Day 59 of second Scottish lock down and my human was dancing around the living room by herself. She felt like she'd been in 'prison' forever. She was devoid of all human contact!!! And yet here we are.............. one year on and all she wants to do, is spend Friday evening by herself and catch up on all the TV she has missed during the week.

It's all psychological isn't it? A year ago everything was closed and my human could only meet her support bubble. She did actually meet a few other people outdoors. Can't remember now whether that was allowed or whether she was breaking the rules. A year ago, spending a Friday night 'home alone' was the worse thing ever............................

But here we are................... one year on..................... and it's what she's choosing to do. BUT she has a choice. Last year she had NO choice.

Last year Ukraine wasn't in danger. Last year COVID was still headline news. Last year we had hope that life would be back to normal by now. Last year we didn't expect to be facing another world crisis??? Last year we were full of hope and optimism.......................

My human has been BLIPPING since 2nd December 2010 and the great thing about BLIP is................... we can look back on our life and see exactly how our day to day life has changed.


PS – And if anyone is interested................. This morning I went to Blackford Pond for my walk (obviously I have to have a look over the wall to see what the swans and ducks were doing) and then I went for a walk through the Hermitage. It was very muddy!!!

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