Bread and salt

I lived in Minsk for 3 months in 1975 as part of my language course. Byelorussia was an integral part of the Soviet Union then. They had their own language in addition to Russian and an intense pride in both their nation and the fact that they had withstood and eventually repulsed the invasion of their country during the Great Patriotic War.

So these past few days have sat oddly with my experience of the people as opposed to the authorities. While currently under Lukashenko they were then under Breshnev with the state controlling so much of their lives. We had our “helpers” to look after us but even they and the people we met in the street and in the markets and in restaurants were people with lives to lead. They displayed interest and warmth and embodied much of the traditional ethos of welcome. As a visitor you were offered (historically) the staples of salt and bread - as symbolised in the doll.

The current state powers have turned that into “assault and red”. Much has been made in recent days of whether Putin has misread the views of the population. If the state messaging is circumvented and the population begin to see a different message and begin to believe differently to what is being pumped out by the Kremlin, the traditional values may come to the fore. It will take time and much pain and suffering will occur - on both sides before then. bBt I can only hope that sense will prevail.

All of this was prompted by a visit to our favourite boulangerie where they are trying out a different flour and are baking bread in a distinctive style ( see the central stick). It instantly reminded me of the symbols of wheat which you saw on all the Soviet Republic flags and on so many items for sale - see the box. Grain is so central to agricultural production in Ukraine and Russia that the symbolism was strong today.
PS. It was very tasty.

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