Another blue sky

I slept 9 hours on and off. The off was when my cough woke me up. The plan had been I’d have a quiet day researching a van trip to Shetland but it was such a sunny day we couldn’t resist going for a walk.

We went along the river where we met our neighbour Tom driving his mobility scooter. He was cheerful. We crossed Lady Bridge to Tosson Mill where Katy, from the garden, invited us in for a cup of tea. Colin is still recovering from a mystery virus and not in good spirits. (Though he’d tested negative every day it did sound like Covid). We headed up the hills to Whittonhillhead then back down by the tower.

The boys had a great weekend, firstly with a visit to Embleton beach to dark(ish) sky stargaze with their parents - a great adventure. They also had a big day at the Falcons yesterday, starting with the children’s matches which they both played in, then seats in the afternoon to watch the Falcons get narrowly beaten by Bristol.
Today Ella had rugby and she’s regained her confidence, running with the ball instead of immediately passing, and scoring as well as getting tackled.

Putin must be deranged. All those people fleeing and so few will be allowed here as they have to have paperwork from one British consulate in Ukraine. Great stuff Priti Patel and Theresa May before you. Not. We feel so helpless - all we can do is give money to UNICEF or Red Cross. Putting blue and yellow on Facebook is a sign of solidarity I suppose but as futile as clapping with Johnson for the NHS.

We have opened a bottle of good champagne. Mr C says if we’re all going up in a nuclear blast we don’t want to waste it.

invited us

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