By lizzie_birkett

It doth snoweth!

We had every kind of weather thrown at us today! Not a day for venturing out much.

Shakespeare’s Winter

The rain raineth
The wind bloweth
The sun shineth
The snow snoweth
The hail haileth
The ice gloweth
As the moon riseth
Now to bed - I goeth!

After Bella’s muddy walk with Frank this morning she had to go in the shower and now she looks and smells much more pleasant.

In the extra are the pretty Irises I found in the cold frame - the lid was down and I had forgotten about them as well as another pot of bulbs.

My head was bad during the night so after breakfast I took Ibuprofen which helped. I think the Dr is right about tension headaches as it shifts about and also makes my ears ache in short bursts. Hoping the Amitryptilline starts to work soon, it’s making me feel like not doing much.

I make light of the weather with my poem but I feel very sad for those and the families who lost their lives in the awful storms. The possibility of falling trees, masonry or slates terrifies me. 

I think Boris must welcome the diversion as there is nothing about him on the news just endless loops about the weather! Oh and a bit about the war :-(
 I switched it off.

Goodnight Blippers - hope you are all safe and as well as can be :-)X

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